School Land Trust Final Report 2014-2015
Financial Proposal and Report
This report is automatically generated from the School Plan entered in the spring of 2014 and from the District Business Administrator's data entry of the School LAND Trust expenditures in 2014-2015.
Description | Planned Expenditures (entered by the school) | Actual Expenditures (entered by the school) | Actual Expenditures (entered by the District Business Administrator) |
Remaining Funds (Carry-Over to 2015-2016) | $42 | N/A | $332 |
Carry-Over from 2013-2014 | $1,758 | N/A | $11,764 |
Distribution for 2014-2015 | $25,274 | N/A | $23,129 |
Total Available for Expenditure in 2014-2015 | $27,032 | N/A | $34,893 |
Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200) | $22,000 | $22,206 | $19,064 |
Employee Benefits (200) | $0 | $0 | $3,142 |
Professional and Technical Services (300) | $2,490 | $2,341 | $2,341 |
Repairs and Maintenance (400) | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Other Purchased Services (Admission and Printing) (500) | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Travel (580) | $0 | $0 | $0 |
General Supplies (610) | $2,500 | $10,014 | $10,014 |
Textbooks (641) | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Library Books (644) | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Periodicals, AV Materials (650-660) | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Software (670) | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Equipment (Computer Hardware, Instruments, Furniture) (730) | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Expenditures | $26,990 | $34,561 | $34,561 |
Goal #1
Polk Elementary will increase the number of students by 10% who score proficient on the Scholastic Math Inventory Assessment (SMI) in the third, fourth, and fifth grade.
Academic Areas
This is the measurement identified in the plan to determine if the goal was reached.
Polk Elementary will use the Scholastic Math Inventory Assessment (SMI) to determine quantile growth for students in third, fourth, and fifth grade.
Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved.
Polk Elementary had an average school increase in 3rd-5th grade of 23% on the Scholastic Math Inventory Assessment. The chart below shows the individual grade level growth.
Performance Level Growth Report
Performance Growth Level Report
Fall Assessment 2014 Spring Assessment 2015 Growth
School Wide 6% 29% 23%
3rd Grade 8% 42% 38%
4th Grade 12% 36% 24%
5th Grade 2% 33% 31%
Action Plan Steps
This is the Action Plan Steps identified in the plan to reach the goal.
Polk Elementary will hire a .5 math teacher/specialist. The teachers will identify students who have specific grade level skill deficits to participate in the Scholastic Math Inventory Assessment (SMI).
Please explain how the action plan was implemented to reach this goal.
Polk Elementary hired a .49 math teacher. This teacher taught a math class in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade.
Category | Description | Estimated Cost | Actual Cost | Actual Use |
| Total: | $22,000 | $22,206 | |
Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200) | One .5 teacher will be hired to teach math. ($22,000.00) | $22,000 | $22,206 | 22206 |
Goal #2
Polk Elementary will increase the overall number of students proficient by 10% according to the DIBELS assessment for the 2014-2015 school year in first through fifth grade.
Academic Areas
This is the measurement identified in the plan to determine if the goal was reached.
Polk Elementary will increase the number of students by 10% who are at benchmark according to the DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) section of the DIBELS assessment for the first through fifth grade.
Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved.
Polk Elementary had the following change on the Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) section of the DIBELS assessment in first through fifth grade.
Grade Level Fall 2014 Spring 2015
1st Grade 57% 51%
2nd Grade 63% 54%
3rd Grade 72% 58%
4th Grade 66% 74%
5th Grade 67% 57%
Action Plan Steps
This is the Action Plan Steps identified in the plan to reach the goal.
The AmeriCorps coordinator will recruit adult volunteers to read with students who are not at benchmark according to DIBELS. Read Today volunteers will read with assigned students two days per week (30 minutes per session) during the AmeriCorps program. Teachers will use content readers (Studies Weekly) to provide cross curriculum reading opportunities for their students.
Please explain how the action plan was implemented to reach this goal.
An AmeriCorps coordinator was hired to recruit volunteers to read with students who were not at benchmark according to their DIBELS assessment. The Read Today volunteers read with each student two days a week for 30 minutes each session.
Studies Weekly along with a Non-Fiction Guided Reading library was purchased to provided teachers with supplemental resources to support/enhance their teaching.
Category | Description | Estimated Cost | Actual Cost | Actual Use |
| Total: | $4,990 | $12,355 | |
Professional and Technical Services (300) | One AmeriCorps Coordinator will be hired to facilitate the "Read Today" tutoring program. This program will bring in volunteers to assist students the basic reading skills. | $2,490 | $2,341 | $2341 |
General Supplies (610) | Studies Weekly Readers by American Legacy Publishing ($2500.00) | $2,500 | $10,014 | $10014 |
Increased Distribution
The school plan describes how additional funds exceeding the estimated distribution would be spent. This is the description.
Goal 1 If additional funding becomes available, Polk Elementary will purchase a school-wide license for the iXL math program. This program is adaptive to meet the individual needs and skill deficits of students in first through sixth grade.
Description of how any additional funds exceeding the estimated distribution were actually spent.
An amendment was made and approved to purchase a Non-Fiction Guided Reading Library.
The following items are the proposed methods of how the Plan would be publicized to the community:
- School newsletter
- School website
The school plan was actually publicized to the community in the following way(s):
- School newsletter
- School website
Summary Posting Date
A summary of this Final Report was provided to parents and posted on the school website on 2015-10-20
Council Plan Approvals
Number Approved | Number Not Approved | Number Absent | Vote Date |
8 | 0 | 2 | 2014-05-06 |